
let’s be real trailblazers

Organizing an international event inevitably makes an environmental impact, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn't strive to create the least amount of waste and have the smallest ecological footprint. Indeed we can lower our impact substantially by changing and enforcing certain policies of our event and we want to lead by example.

The Stelvio National Park which is home to the Ortler Sky Trails is the perfect place to let our visitors experience the importance of preserving our vulnerable nature. By visiting our events not only will you support our organization, but you will also send a message to other event organizers to follow along.

Do you have a great idea you'd like to share? Write us a message and maybe we'll implement it for the next edition!

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100% Plant-Based

Our current food production means, and animal agriculture in particular, place a heavy burden on our natural resources. It is one of the highest impact areas where we can be sustainable just by choosing a conscious menu. A growing number of high profile events in the world already provide vegetarian catering. We want to lead the way by inspiring our participants and visitors with an abundance of delicious 100% plant-based food. Our meals are freshly prepared on site by cooks and health professionals to make sure they contain everything our guests need.

Sustainable Signage

Reusable Arrows

All arrows we use are reusable. We are currently working on wooden signs made from wood scraps and painted with eco-friendly paint.

Reusable Banners

Durable banners complement our signage for long distance visibility.

Washable Chalk Spray

Chalk spray is used on less confusing parts of the track. The downside: less signage after rain. The upside: it washes away quickly.

Minimize Waste

Cups & Utensils

Participants are required to carry their own cups and utensils for the refreshment posts.

Sponsor Items

We do not accept single-use plastic products from our sponsors.

Bulk Packaging

We do not accept single-use plastic products from our sponsors and ask for minimal packaging

Sustainable Promotion

0 flyers and posters

Almost all of our promotion is done online. We do not print any single use promotional material like paper flyers and posters.

Non-Specific T-shirts

Our T-shirts are designed to bear no year-specific indications.

Non-Specific Banners

Our banners do not contain indications of distances, dates or tracks. The tracks are drawn by hand with chalk markers on reusable maps.


Wooden medals

Instead of using high impact materials like metal, we use laser engraved wooden medals from dropped tree branches. The remaining medals are sent back to the producer for reuse so there’s no waste.

Ortler Beer

For our 2019 debut we had a special batch of Ortler Beer in custom glass bottles for which the proceedings were used to fund ALS research.


We are currently looking into a collaboration with local artisans to provide trophies made from sustainable materials.

Transportation Optimization

No Airplanes or Helicopters

We do not use air travel for the preparation and organization of our event. We do not use helicopters for supplies or promotional material. Instead we place our refreshment posts at accessible locations and we shoot video with drones.

Public Transport

We encourage and facilitate our participants to come by public transportation.

Shuttle Service

We are developing a shuttle service from the public transport hubs in the valley to the village center of Sulden am Ortler for our crew, participants and spectators.


We encourage our international audience to carpool in our communication and facilitate it through our Facebook carpool group.